Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hot Chocolate Tray

I keep seeing the cutest hot chocolate parties all over the place.  Love hot chocolate, love the set ups.  Sadly we only have three in our family (four for the Holidays).  Instead of a hot chocolate table I decided to make a hot chocolate tray- for four.

I started with a spray painted mini muffin tin and added white mini cupcake liners.  I filled the tray with chocolate chips, hot chocolate stirrers, mints etc.  Added a red bow and it's ready to go festive. You could add mini marshmallows, red hots or anything else you like in your hot chocolate.  Oh drat, I forgot to buy a tube of whipped cream.  There's always next year.  Oh who am I kidding, there's always tomorrow night. ;)

stirrers were made by pushing a soft candy stick into a marshmallow and dipping in melted chocolate chips.  Let them cool over night or in the fridge and they are all set.

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